Funding research is in our DNA.
The Stillbirth Foundation Australia was founded exactly for this reason – to investigate why stillbirth occurs, how it can be prevented, and how we can best support bereaved parents when it does happen.
2024 Research Grants Announcement- Joint Stillbirth Foundation Australia & Stillbirth CRE
2023 SFA and Stillbirth CRE Research Grants - Scheme now CLOSED
The Endometrial Origins of Stillbirth - Participants Needed
Breaking the silence: Amplifying public awareness of stillbirth in Australia
Clinical practice guidelines for perinatal bereavement care
Tertiary education Regarding Stillbirth 4 Student Midwives (TEARS 4 SMs)
My baby's movements
Core Outcomes in Stillbirth (COSTIL) Project
Maternal ethnicity and disparities in stillbirth in Victoria
Is placental ageing the key to predicting and preventing stillbirth?
The economic impacts of stillbirth in Australia
Information and communication about autopsy following stillbirth
Providing meaningful care for families experiencing stillbirth: a meta-synthesis of qualitative evidence
Anxiety and acceptability related to participation in stillbirth research
The Role of Infection and Inflammation in Stillbirths
Sleep position, fetal growth restriction, and late-pregnancy stillbirth: the Sydney stillbirth study
The Role of Human Cytomegalovirus in Stillbirth
Identifying pregnancies at high risk of fetal growth restriction and stillbirth
Creatine supplementation during pregnancy
Major risk factors for stillbirth in high-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Free foetal DNA, Placental Apoptosis and the Predication of Late Stillbirth
Assessing the reporting of stillbirths in population data: trends and recurrence
Assessing the reporting of stillbirths in population data: trends and recurrence
Maternal sleep health and fetal outcomes