Thank you for your interest in hosting a fundraising event for the Stillbirth Foundation Australia. Fundraising for any charity is a rewarding experience for everyone involved, and we want to make sure you are equipped with everything you need to make your event a success.

Ready to start fundraising?

'Start fundraising today' to create a fundraising team, join an existing team, or sign up to fundraise as an individual. Once you have created your profile, you can begin collecting donations immediately. If you prefer to raise money in person or collect funds via an alternate method please let us know the details of your event by selecting 'Apply to fundraise' and completing the application form. Once your application has been approved, we will send you an Authority to Fundraise confirmation by email and you will be on your way.

Fundraising event ideas

  • Afternoon tea, BBQ or cocktail parties

    If you love a social gathering, you might consider hosting an afternoon tea, backyard barbeque or cocktail party. These events work well for small and large groups and can be hosted at home or a venue an emcee, silent or live auctions, and entertainment.

  • Local market stall

    If you have crafts, artwork or other items to sell, market stalls are a great way to fundraise within your local community and engage with your customers on a personal level. Each market has different requirements for setting up a stall, so you will need to speak to your local organiser for details. The Australian Government’s business support website has some helpful tips on running a market stall.

  • Online art or craft sale

    Online marketplaces present another way to sell your goods without the need for a physical presence. Sites such as Etsy and Facebook Marketplace have easy, user-friendly ways to set up your own online shop. Make sure to share your story and let people know why you are fundraising and what it means to you.

  • Golf Day

    For golf enthusiasts, a golf day is a fantastic way to include friends, family, clients and local businesses. A round of fun-petitive golf followed by a sit-down lunch or dinner with a silent or live auction brings immense joy to all participants and can easily become an annual event.

  • Trivia Night

    Who doesn’t love a dress-up or themed trivia night at a local pub with your mates? Trivia nights can be organised at your home or held at a local pub, community centre or office. Supplement a team entry fee with raffles or other auction items on the night.

  • Other ideas

    There are so many creative ways to fundraise in addition to those mentioned above. Some other ideas include doing a book swap, getting a group together for a swim-a-thon, creating a fantasy football leagure where the bets placed through the season contribute to your fundraising cause, or showing off your special skill by teaching it to others in a hosted workshop. Whatever you choose to do, we hope you have fun doing it!

Share your ideas

Have a new idea not listed above? Please contact us at and we can add to our event ideas list to help inspire others.

Fundraising Tips

Whether you are new to fundraising or a seasoned expert, there are a few key things to keep in mind to ensure your fundraising efforts are successful.

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    Start Planning

    The sooner you plan your fundraising efforts the more likely you are to reach your target. Establishing a timeline and thinking through event logistics will help create a successful event.

  • target illustration

    Hit your targets

    Reaching your fundraising target is an honourable achievement, and we are very grateful for everyone’s efforts. Here are some ideas to make it easier to hit your target or even double it!

  • heart illustration

    Thank your supporters

    It is always nice to thank those who supported you along the way after an event. Sending an email, social media post or picking up the phone to say thanks can go a long way.

No matter how involved your event is, establishing a timeline and thinking through event logistics will help create a successful and fun event.

Read our checklist to ensure you have everything you need to get started in achieving your fundraising goal.

Fundraising checklist:

  • Decide what type of event you will host.
  • Chose a date, location and venue.
  • Complete the Stillbirth Foundation Fundraising Authorisation Form.
  • Set up your fundraising page through our fundraising platform,
  • Decide how you will tell people about your event. This might include email, Facebook, an event website, or posters or flyers in your local area.
  • Decide how you will collect money on the day. For example, can your venue offer access to EFTPOS or Square terminals? How will you handle receipts on the day?
  • Get help from friends and family. Many hands make light work. Get a team together to help with your fundraising event and share some quality bonding time too!



Reaching your fundraising target is an honourable achievement, and we are very grateful for everyone’s efforts past and present. Here are some ideas to make it easier to hit your target or even double it!

  • Ask your employer. Some workplaces will match donations made by their employees’ dollar for dollar. Does yours?
  • Amplify your event on social media so family and friends far and wide can contribute even if they are unable to attend in person. A Facebook page or event webpage will help extend your reach.
  • Tell your work friends and colleagues – or anyone who will listen. Make it easy by setting a specific dollar values, for example $30 or $50, and reminding your friends that all donations over $2 are tax deductible will also help your fundraising efforts.

When your fundraising event is finished, it is always nice to thank those who supported you along the way. Sending an email, social media post or picking up the phone to say thanks can go a long way.

Your thanks can be short and sweet.  We suggest including the total amount of funds raised, how their donation will make an impact to stillbirth research, our unwavering gratitude, plus any images you captured at the event.


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