Our future plans to help families within the stillbirth community.

The Stillbirth Foundation will continue to advocate for policy equality, recognition and validation for bereaved parents. Taking our cues from the Senate Enquiry Recommendations, we will soon take on: 

  • Better data collection methods (Recommendation 2); 
  • Having stillbirth autopsies added to the MBS (Recommendation 3); 
  • Speaking with the Royal College of Pathologists to train more practitioners in how to conduct perinatal autopsies (Recommendation 4); 
  • Seeking long-term funding for a national biobank (Recommendation 7); 
  • Supporting a national register of guidelines and research available for all interested stakeholders (Recommendation 13); and 
  • Providing culturally relevant guides for hospitals and parents impacted by stillbirth (Recommendations 12 and 14). 

If there is anything else that matters to you and that you would like us to advocate on behalf of the stillbirth community, please reach out to us on office@stillbirthfoundation.org.au. We appreciate any and all feedback.Â